
September 2nd, 2013   •   1 comment   

Transparency is not about speaking every thought that pops in our head. It’s not about being rude or not nice. It’s not about confession. It’s not about validating our thoughts or feelings.

Transparency is about saying where we’re at, what we think, or how things appear to us. It’s about revealing what’s inside rather than remaining hidden.

It’s intentional communication. It’s genuine. It’s real. It requires practice. It’s about taking time to sort through our stuff, getting clarity on what and how we want to be known.

Being transparent is about the willingness to be uncomfortable; it’s easier to stay quiet. It’s not about opening ourselves up to being verbally or emotionally abused.

Timing is critical, and relationship is necessary. People have to be able to hear us and trust that we care.

There have been times when I’ve screwed it up or people have sent mixed messages. Was it me or was it them? I don’t know. It is what it is. It happens.

Transparency is being vulnerable: having the courage to expose ourselves to the potential of being hurt with the reality that the person or relationship is worth the risk.

One comment

  1. Eileen says:

    Thank you for this reminder, just at the right time.